Cafe Business in Singapore: A step-by-step guide

How to start a cafe in Singapore

A step-by-step guide for aspiring cafe business owners
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Cafe Counter

Starting a cafe business in Singapore requires thorough planning and understanding of the food and beverage industry. One must follow the regulatory guidelines, getting essential licenses like Food Shop License from the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) and, where applicable, a Liquor License. Prioritising food safety is also important when you own a cafe, involving enrollment in a Basic Food Hygiene Course and a wise investment in advanced kitchen equipment.

Strategically choosing the café's location plays a part in attracting old and new customers, particularly within the Central Business District (CBD) or places where other food establishments may grow. During the decision-making process, the top priority should be environmental health. Moreover, a menu should be created thoroughly to attract customers.

With thorough planning, café owners can make their food establishments grow within Singapore's vibrant and competitive food businesses.

Why start a Cafe business in Singapore?

Coffee Image from Top View

Singapore's vibrant city atmosphere and diverse coffee offerings make it an ideal setting to cater to evolving consumer trends and preferences, ensuring an exceptional coffee experience.

Starting a café in Singapore presents a promising opportunity for individuals aspiring to enter the business. Here are compelling reasons to consider:

Thriving Coffee Culture: Singapore has a diverse coffee culture, combining traditional establishments and contemporary cafés. This diversity caters to a broad range of customers who are coffee enthusiasts.

Business Potential: The dynamic growth of Singapore's financial and corporate sectors creates a great environment for café businesses. Strategic locations in bustling areas can further enhance business visibility and draw in a strong customer base.

If you have a passion for coffee and are considering launching a cafe business, understanding the necessary steps can serve as a valuable guide to take initial strides. Read on find out the 9 key steps to consider when embarking on your cafe business endeavor! 

Business insurance for Startups and SMEs in Singapore

Step-by-Step Guide in Opening a Cafe in Singapore

Table in the cafe

1. Develop a Business Plan

A well-thought-out business plan is important for the success of any venture. It serves as a guide, providing direction for entrepreneurs struggling with starting and growing a business.

The importance of a comprehensive business plan lies in several key aspects. Firstly, it brings clarity to the vision of the business, outlining its purpose, mission, and long-term goals. This clarity is essential for staying focused on the objectives. 

Additionally, it facilitates strategic decision-making by making entrepreneurs think critically about their business model, target market, and competitive landscape. This strategic thinking is vital for making informed and effective decisions as the business progresses.

The financial aspect of the plan is also equally crucial, helping to estimate startup costs, forecast revenue, and manage cash flow. This information is essential for allocating resources wisely and ensuring the business's financial health.

Moreover, a business plan is a communication tool when seeking support from investors, partners, or lenders. It presents the business idea and strategy in a structured and professional manner, making a compelling case for a partnership.

Developing a business plan is an ongoing, active process. Entrepreneurs should be open to refining and updating the plan as the business evolves, ensuring it remains a relevant and effective tool for decision-making and growth.

2. Choose The Right Location

Selecting the right location is key to the success of your café in Singapore. Below are some factors to consider when choosing:

Foot Traffic: Look for areas with high foot traffic to attract more customers.

Target Market and Demographics: Understand the local demographics to tailor your offerings to the community. Knowing the population size and tastes of the target market in a specific area helps the coffee business's options meet customer expectations.

Competitors: Analyse the competition in the area and find a niche that sets your café apart.

Accessibility: Ensure the location is easily accessible to your target audience.

Cost Considerations: Evaluate the overall costs of the location, including rent and utilities.

By focusing on these factors, you can find the ideal location that aligns with your café's goals and attracts the right customer base.

3. Design Your Cafe Space

Having an appealing interior design for your café in Singapore involves deep planning and attention to detail about worldwide trends. Consider these ideas for an inviting space:

Creative Touch: Integrate elements that mirror Singapore's rich heritage and diverse culture. Use artwork, décor, or colour schemes that resonate with the local community. Moreover, when dealing with limited space, being creative is essential. Embrace unique layouts, use recyclable materials, and incorporate artistic installations to create a one-of-a-kind customer experience.

Comfortable Interiors: Opt for comfortable and visually pleasing furniture and interiors to establish a welcoming atmosphere. Include various seating options, such as cosy booths and communal tables.

Natural Lighting: Maximise natural light to elevate the café's ambiance. Use windows or strategically placed mirrors to bring in more daylight and create an inviting feel.

Staying on trend: Staying in style is important to attract younger customers. Use bold patterns, lively colours, and cool furniture to create a place that looks great on social media and appeals to people who love following trends.

Your café's interior design becomes a key element in attracting coffee drinkers and customers, contributing to the overall success of your business.

4. Budget Wisely for Your Café

Starting a café in Singapore requires prudent financial planning for long-term success. Here are practical (and non-exhaustive tips) to think about:

Budgeting and Planning: Calculate startup capital for inventory, equipment, leasing, and licensing by conducting market research for accurate estimations. Monitor recurring costs like rent, utilities, payroll, and supplier payments. Develop a comprehensive financial plan with revenue projections and profit margins. Update the plan regularly based on actual performance.

Initial Capital Outlay and Maintenance Costs: Plan for initial expenses like refurbishment, technology, and Point of Sale (POS) systems. Allocate funds for ongoing costs like rent, utilities, and employee training. 

Manpower: Depending on the size of your cafe operation and its operational requirements, allocate a budget for recruiting manpower for your business, encompassing both full-time and/or part-time employees. Ensure you factor in the cost of salaries (including CPF contributions), training and other associated mandatory expenses. 

5. Consider a Business Insurance policy 

Having a business insured is a great way to secure it. Consider exploring business insurance as an option to safeguard your business. 

Liberty Insurance's CafeCare is a business insurance package tailored for cafe owners, providing a comprehensive range of coverages including public liability, all-risk, and rental expenses. Above all, this insurance package allows aspiring cafe owners to customise their plan according to their specific coverage needs and requirements. With customisation, cafe owners can ensure their cafe is well-protected against unexpected events that could disrupt your business operations, leading to financial losses.

Learn more about CafeCare 

6. Hire and Train Staff

Building a strong and skilled team is essential for the success of your café. Here's practical advice on hiring and training your staff:

Recruitment: Use local job platforms to find experienced staff. Conduct practical interviews to pick the right people.

Training: Ensure assigned staff completes the Basic Food Hygiene Course the National Environment Agency (NEA) requires. Provide specific training, like a basic barista course for coffee makers and hygiene training for kitchen staff.

Compliance: Follow Singapore's employment laws on working hours, overtime, and leave. Use clear employment contracts.

Health and Safety Training: Implement strict health and safety protocols, especially post-pandemic—train staff on hygiene, sanitation, and COVID-19 precautions.

These steps will help you have an effective team for your café while ensuring compliance and safety.

7. Create an Appealing Menu

Creating a menu for your café is important beyond having delicious options. It involves thorough planning, differentiation, and catering to the diverse tastes of your customers. Key aspects to keep in mind involving identifying your target market, accommodating dietary preference and needs, designing the menu, and strategizing dish names. Additionally, it's also important to ensure that your menu complies with the local regulations. 

8. Implement Food Safety Practices

Setting the highest standards of food safety is crucial for the success and reputation of your café in Singapore. Following the guidelines established by the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) is a legal necessity, making it compulsory to enrol staff, especially food handlers, in the Basic Food Hygiene Course. 

To further enhance food safety standard, implementing Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) principles can effectively pinpoint and address potential hazards during food preparation. Complementing these measures with consistent sanitation practices, including adhering to regular cleaning regimens and stringent hand hygiene protocols, is integral to maintaining high level food safety standards.

9. Market Your Cafe 

Effectively marketing your café in Singapore is crucial for attracting and keeping customers. Social media usage platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and X can help create an online presence and engage with potential patrons. Implementing a marketing plan, including visually appealing images of your café offerings and regular updates on promotions or new menu items, can enhance your online visibility.

Also, consider collaborating with influencers or participating in local events to broaden your reach and connect with the community. Emphasize the unique aspects of your café, whether it's the specialty coffee blends, signature dishes, or inviting ambience, to differentiate yourself in the market. 


A thorough plan and strategy are needed for a successful business structure that provides consumers with the desired experience. Having an initial start-up capital is one of the most important things to remember if you plan to start a cafe, as it will serve as your money for building the cafe, buying furniture, kitchen tools, staff income, and insurance.

Comprehensive insurance coverage is essential for safeguarding your café business. CafeCare, offered by Liberty Insurance Singapore, provides tailored insurance solutions to protect your establishment from potential risks. More details about CafeCare can be found at Liberty Insurance. May your venture brew success in the vibrant café culture of Singapore!

Business insurance for Startups and SMEs in Singapore

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