Travel & Leisures
Secure The Most Comprehensive Coverage For Your Employees
Description of Benefit | Plan 1 | Plan 2 | Plan 3 |
Description of Benefit | Plan 1 | Plan 2 | Plan 3 |
Accidental Death and Permanent Disablement |
S$250,000 | S$350,000 | S$550,000 |
Accident Death and Permanent Disablement due to War |
S$10,000 | S$15,000 | S$25,000 |
Terrorism Extension |
Covered | Covered | Covered |
Accidental Burns Benefit Compensates for third degree burns following Accidental bodily Injury |
S$250,000 | S$350,000 | S$550,000 |
Fracture Benefit Compensates for fractures following Accidental bodily Injury |
S$2,500 | S$3,500 | S$5,500 |
Accidental Death While Traveling In Common Carrier Compensates for Accidental death while traveling in a rail, sea or air conveyance as a fare-paying passenger |
S$20,000 | S$30,000 | S$50,000 |
Compassionate Allowance Pays a lump sum allowance in the event of Insured Person’s Accidental death |
S$3,000 | S$4,000 | S$5,000 |
Child Education Fund Pays a lump sum education fund to Insured Person’s dependent child in the event of his / her Accidental death |
S$10,000 | S$15,000 | S$25,000 |
Description of Benefit | Plan 1 | Plan 2 | Plan 3 |
Overseas Medical Expenses Pays for medical, Hospital and Accidental dental expenses incurred whilst abroad as a result of Sickness or Injury |
S$100,000 | S$200,000 | S$300,000 |
Medical Expenses Incurred Upon Return To Singapore Follow-up treatment within 31 days from return date or treatment sought within 3 days from return date and up to 31 days (if initial treatment is not sought Overseas) |
S$5,000 | S$8,000 | S$10,000 |
Treatment by Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Chiropractor Pays Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Chiropractic expenses incurred whilst Overseas and follow-up treatment in Singapore |
S$500 | S$800 | S$1,000 |
Hospital Daily Income Benefit (Overseas) Pays for each 24-hour period of Overseas Hospital confinement up to a limit of S$200 per day |
S$5,000 | S$8,000 | S$10,000 |
Overseas Hospital Visit Pays for the cost of transportation and accommodation expenses of one relative or friend if the Insured Person is hospitalized for more than 5 days whilst Overseas |
S$5,000 | S$8,000 | S$10,000 |
Overseas Compassionate Visit Pays for the cost of transportation and accommodation expenses of one relative or friend to assist in the preparation of the mortal remains |
S$3,000 | S$5,000 | S$8,000 |
Description of Benefit | Plan 1 | Plan 2 | Plan 3 |
Liberty China Card Hospital admission deposit waived at designated hospitals in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan |
Covered | Covered | Covered |
Emergency Medical Evacuation Covers all expenses for emergency medical evacuation coordinated by Liberty Helpline (+65) 6636 1131 |
Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Repatriation of Mortal Remains Covers for cost of transporting Insured Person’s mortal remains or local burial at place of death |
S$10,000 | S$20,000 | S$30,000 |
Emergency Telephone Charges Pays for telephone charges incurred as a result of medical emergency |
S$100 | S$200 | S$300 |
24-hour Medical and Travel Assistance On referral and arrangement basis |
Liberty Helpline: (+65) 6636 1131 |
Description of Benefit | Plan 1 | Plan 2 | Plan 3 |
Personal Liability Insures against third party claims for bodily Injury or property damage caused by Insured Person’s negligence whilst Overseas |
S$500,000 | S$800,000 | S$1,000,000 |
Description of Benefit | Plan 1 | Plan 2 | Plan 3 |
Trip Cancelation Pays for the non-refundable portion of travel costs paid in advance or administrative charges incurred due to Unforeseen Circumstances |
S$5,000 | S$8,000 | S$10,000 |
Trip Curtailment Pays for the pro-rata amount for each complete day of the planned Trip lost due to Unforeseen Circumstances |
S$5,000 | S$8,000 | S$10,000 |
Trip Rearrangement Pays the cost for the Insured Person to make a replacement business Trip where the original business Trip was curtailed due to Unforeseen Circumstances |
S$5,000 | S$8,000 | S$10,000 |
Trip Disruption Pays for the pro-rata amount for each complete day of the planned Trip lost if the Insured Person is hospitalized Overseas for more than 5 days |
S$3,000 | S$5,000 | S$7,000 |
Travel Delay Pays S$200 for each 6 full consecutive hours of delay whilst Overseas Pays maximum limit of S$200 for delay in Singapore if in excess of 6 full consecutive hours |
S$1,000 | S$1,000 | S$1,000 |
Travel / Flight Misconnection Pays S$100 for each 6 full consecutive hours of delay whilst Overseas |
S$1,000 | S$1,000 | S$1,000 |
Flight Diversion Pays S$100 for each 6 full consecutive hours if the scheduled flight is diverted whilst Overseas |
S$1,000 | S$1,000 | S$1,000 |
Travel Overbooking Covers accommodation, meal and travel expenses if Insured Person is unable to board the scheduled transport due to overbooking |
S$150 | S$200 | S$250 |
Baggage Delay Pays S$200 for each 6 full consecutive hours of delay whilst Overseas Pays maximum limit of S$200 for baggage delay upon return to Singapore if in excess of 6 full consecutive hours |
S$1,000 | S$1,000 | S$1,000 |
Description of Benefit | Plan 1 | Plan 2 | Plan 3 |
Loss of or Damage to Baggage & Personal Effects Covers loss, damage or stolen baggage and personal effects sustained Overseas including golfing equipment Maximum S$1,000 for each item or set or pair of items |
S$3,000 | S$4,000 | S$5,000 |
Loss of or Damage to Personal Portable Business Equipment Covers loss or damage to mobile phones, laptop computers and tablets Maximum S$1,000 for each item or set or pair of items |
S$2,000 | S$2,000 | S$2,000 |
Loss of Personal Money and Travel Documents |
S$1,000 | S$2,000 | S$3,000 |
Description of Benefit | Plan 1 | Plan 2 | Plan 3 |
Employee Replacement Benefit Pays the cost of sending a replacement employee to continue the business of the Insured, in the event the Insured Person is unable to continue the business Trip |
S$5,000 | S$6,000 | S$7,000 |
Bail Bond Facility Provides assistance in arranging a bail bond following the Insured Person’s arrest after a road Accident whilst Overseas |
S$15,000 | S$15,000 | S$15,000 |
Hijack Benefit Pays S$200 for each 12 full consecutive hours if the Insured Person is hijacked on a Common Carrier |
S$5,000 | S$5,000 | S$5,000 |
Quarantine following Infectious Diseases Pays S$50 for each complete day of quarantine whilst on a Trip Overseas or within 7 days upon returning to Singapore |
S$350 | S$700 | S$1,000 |
Automatic Extension Automatically extends for 7 days if Trip is delayed due to Accident or Sickness suffered by the Insured Person or delay by scheduled transport |
7 days | 7 days | 7 days |