Claim for proMedico
proMedico Claim Process
Each claim is different, let us guide you through your claim:
Call IHP Concierge @ (65) 6715 9422
Call IHP concierge and they will provide an IHP pre-certification form for you to fill up.
Submit IHP Pre-Certification Form
Please fill up the IHP pre-certification form with the doctor’s particulars and submit it to IHP together with all 1relevant documents.
1Relevant documents
- Doctor’s reports
- Counselling financial form
- Diagnostic tests result
- Doctor memo
Issuance of Letter of Guarantee (LOG)
Upon receiving all documents and claims form, IHP will issue approved LOG in estimated 5 working days.
Admission to hospital
You may proceed to admit to the hospital.
Submit Liberty’s medical claim form
Upon discharge from hospital, please fill in Liberty’s medical claim form and mail all original copies of pre and post medical bills to Liberty at One Raffles Quay #25-01 North Tower Singapore 048583.
Upon receiving the completed set of documents (including the original bill send by the hospital), claim will be processed within 14 working days.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can I go to any physician or hospital I want?
What is the grace period to submit a claim?
Do you cover the cost of obtaining medical certificates needed to support the claim?
Can I email Liberty the scanned documents instead?
I am claiming from 2 insurance companies. What is the procedure?
How much can I claim from my policy?
I have multiple admissions in hospital. How do I submit the claim?
What is a deductible/co-insurance?
What is the minimum number of hours to be confined in hospital in order to lodge a claim?
When I utilize my Medisave account to pay for my treatment, how will my claim be reimbursed?