beagle dog eating from metal bowl

Can Dogs Eat Peanut? Is It Safe For Them?

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Feeding your dog treats or sharing your food with them can create great bonding moments. However, it is crucial to be cautious of the foods you are feeding your dog at all times, especially since it concerns their health and wellbeing.

While it is true that most human foods are safe for your dog’s consumption, there are also certain foods, despite being safe for our consumption, that can be detrimental when ingested by dogs, even in minute amounts.

This brings us to the burning question: Can you feed your dog peanuts? Although the answer is generally yes, there is an extent to which this is true. Read on to learn more about it.


Types of Peanuts Safe For Your Dogs

It is your responsibility as a dog owner to be aware of the appropriate tasty treats to give to your four-legged friend. Fortunately for us and our paw friends, peanuts are healthy.

Just as how peanuts are good for humans, they are also good for dogs. However, not all types of peanuts are safe for dogs’ consumption. Raw peanuts that are dry-roasted, unsalted and with their shells removed are the ones that are great for your dog’s diet and safe for them to eat.

When dogs eat peanuts, they gain essential vitamins, such as Vitamin E and Vitamin B-6, along with other important nutrients such as protein and Niacin. Peanuts are also good sources of healthy fats. Peanuts can certainly bring numerous health benefits for your dog!

Although peanuts can be wonderful healthy treats for your dog, you should never feed peanuts to them without first removing the peanut shells. The shells can pose a choking hazard when ingested by your dog and can even endanger their life.

A good solution to this is by making your own crunchy peanut butter that would be safe, even for small dogs. Since peanut butter is made of ground, dry-roasted peanuts, feeding your dog peanut butter gives them the same benefits as eating the peanuts on its own. In other words, peanuts and peanut butter are both suitable as a tasty snack.

peanut butter, toast and spread

Side Effects of Peanuts For Your Dogs

Though it is generally safe for dogs to eat peanuts, there are still some important things to be mindful of when feeding your dog peanuts and peanut butter.


If your dog loves peanut butter, make sure to always read the packaging label for the presence of xylitol, which is a sugar substitute used in making peanut butter and is extremely toxic for your dog. When xylitol is ingested even in minimal amounts, it can make your canine companions have instant hypoglycemia. If you wish to feed your dog peanut butter, it would be safer to make your own!

Acute Liver Failure

Acute liver failure is a possible repercussion when your dog experiences hypoglycemia. A drastic lowering of blood sugar causes liver failure to happen. This unwanted consequence stems from xylitol which drastically suppresses sugar levels in the blood. Acute liver failure is fatal and poses a major threat to your dog's health, which is why it is essential to stay extra cautious.

Allergic Reaction

Though eating peanuts is okay for most dogs, some dogs may have underlying peanut allergies. No matter the kind of peanuts you are feeding, you may be putting your four-legged friend at risk without even realizing it. 

Reactions come in a variety of forms, such as watery eyes, sneezing, and difficulty in breathing – similar symptoms to having a runny nose. More glaring symptoms include itching, upset stomach, and vomiting. It may be a good idea to give it as a treat but when allergic reactions occur, stop feeding them to your dog immediately. Instead, switch to other treats that they enjoy and are healthy for them.


Apart from the fact that peanuts have too much fat, it also has too much sodium. As such, only plain peanuts can be given to your dog. Do not feed your dog flavoured or salted peanuts. 

Remember that peanuts are high-fat food, and your dog’s body will have a hard time digesting that fat, which can eventually cause an upset stomach. Too much can also put your dog at risk of having pancreatitis. To avoid this, dogs should only consume peanuts in small quantities.

How Many Peanuts You Should Give To Your Dogs?

hungry labrador retriever is waiting for feeding

The old adage is that too much of anything is dangerous. Giving your dog peanuts in excessive amounts will certainly not be a good idea. Hence, moderation is imperative here. Limiting your dog’s consumption of peanuts and only giving it to them in small quantities would be the safest option.


Giving your dog a tasty treat is a great way to keep your dog happy. Nevertheless, your dog's health and overall welfare should still be your top priority. Though peanuts and peanut butter can be good treats with amazing health benefits, it is also crucial to limit the amounts you feed your dog to avoid any complications.

Your dog's welfare should always come first, and this can be safeguarded by knowing what is right and what is good for them. Moreover, it is also best to be vigilant when it comes to the proper measures to be practiced to keep your pet in the pink of health.

As a dog owner, you must be ready for all the possible circumstances you may face. Insure your dog's health now:

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